Europe / Travel

Karl Fazer Cafe in Helsinki

Updated 4th June 2019

I was made aware of Fazer as a chocolate brand by a Finnish friend  set about trying to find their chocolates. I was pretty ecstatic to discover the Karl Fazer cafe as we were walking around! We actually ended up visiting a few times!

This post will document one visit I made.

Fazer cafe entrance

Fazer cafe window display

The cafe counter has an array of delicious food from savoury sandwiches to sweet cakes and ice cream. They also sell various sweets from the Fazer range, and we pondered several times what to purchase to bring back as gifts. On Wednesdays, they have a special off that is only applicable for that day, so make sure you drop by then! 

Staff were really helpful and everyone was able to speak English. Can I say how much I envy people who have English as a second language! Everyone I spoke to in Helsinki had decent English language skills, it was amazing!

Gooseberry and white chocolate brownie

Gooseberry and white chocolate brownie (gf)

Gooseberry and white chocolate brownie (gf)

My sister chose this gooseberry and white chocolate brownie, which was delicious! The top was like a dense mousse and had the tang of gooseberry going through it. The brownie base was chocolatey and had a good chew to it. Really good stuff!

Apple meringue with custard

Apple meringue with custard (lactose free)

Apple meringue with custard (lactose-free)

This apple meringue with custard was godly! The meringue was soft but the best part was the apple filling in the middle. As the pieces were big, you had good mouthfuls of apple with each bite and the sweetness was perfect! The custard also complimented this and the custard is optional too, but I highly recommend you go with it!

Seasonal hot chocolate

Seasonal hot chocolate with liquorice syrup

Seasonal hot chocolate with liquorice syrup

As it was cold, I ordered a hot chocolate and ordered the seasonal one last minute due to curiosity. I later found out that the seasonal one happened to be a liquorice syrup and my heart sank a bit as I realised what I’ve ordered… I bloody hate liquorice! However, I tried it and actually… it wasn’t bad, I might have even enjoyed the drink. I should say that I’ve actually tried salted liquorice sweets in Helsinki prior to ordering this, and disliked them all. This hot chocolate I would actually consider ordering again!

Overall comments

I recommend popping into the Fazer Cafe on a Wednesday to purchase goodies to take home with you. As I mentioned before, on Wednesdays they have special promotions that are only applicable on that day! There are multiple smaller cafe/stalls in Helsinki, but this one is by far the best one to sit at and relax in.


Address: Kluuvikatu 3, 00100 Helsinki, Finland


  • Sarah T
    14th November 2016 at 1:34 pm

    Yum this sounds so perfect for a sweet treat! x

    • Elsa Eats
      14th November 2016 at 7:57 pm

      Or a quick snack, haha!

  • Amy Lyons
    14th November 2016 at 3:17 pm

    ooh these look so yummy xx

    • Elsa Eats
      14th November 2016 at 7:57 pm

      Oh, they were! So much choice too!

  • Liz Clarke
    14th November 2016 at 4:22 pm

    Never heard of liquorice hot chocolate before, sounds amazing ☺️

    • Elsa Eats
      14th November 2016 at 7:57 pm

      Yeah, it’s just the syrup thankfully but even I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it.


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