My name is Elsa and I’m a British Born Chinese from Belfast, now in Manchester. Having grown up with both eastern and western food, I enjoy eating all sorts of food from around the world and relish the opportunity to try new things! I also do not eat beef or lamb due to sustainability reasons but am open to other red meat like venison. Elsa Eats exists to help me document and share these experiences with you. I am not a coffee person, but my weakness is tea and cake. Tea is always black (unless it’s matcha or chai), no sugar, ta!
Here I will share my food adventures!

Any collaborations with companies will be mentioned in the blog post. Any items sent to me will be for consideration and does not guarantee a blog post. Some products / restaurant visits were free (this will be stated in the review) but all opinions are my own or my featured guest’s and not influenced by this.
Photos are all taken by myself unless stated. Both text and photos may not be copied unless permission is granted.
I do not accept guests posts or standard press releases. I do not attend launches or events unless a sit-down meal is included, as I feel I cannot review the food in a suitable manner otherwise.
Please understand that as a food blog and as a hobby on top of a full-time job, I simply do not have time to turn up and for drinks and canapes. For other PR inquiries or anything else, feel free to contact me at
You can also find me on the following social media platforms:
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